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Our Services

Below is an outline of services that North Star Advisory can offer. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list but provides insight into ways we can collaborate to improve your organisation’s effectiveness and agility. Get in touch if you would like to find out more!

Initial Assessment


This two-day engagement is an excellent way of getting started if you’d like an external, unbiased view of where you are, what your biggest pain points are and what you might do about them.


Designed as a series of interviews with key contributors and decision-makers in your organisation, you will receive a summary of observations, recommendations and further collaboration options. The recommendations are purposefully structured in a way to allow you to implement them on a DIY-basis or seek further input from us, or other external partners of your choosing.


All workshops are designed as a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical know-how to help you actually implement new ways of working in your organisation. They can be coupled with a coaching setup to further embed these practices in your organisation, address and navigate challenges as they arise and provide you with the support you need to make behavioural changes last. 



Do you feel like you’re constantly making a millimetre progress in a million directions instead of generating impactful results for your business? OKRs are an excellent way of communicating what really matters and creating organisational alignment for meaningful progress. A simple concept at heart, OKRs can be surprisingly difficult to implement. 


In this workshop you won’t just learn the basics (although we cover those too) but we also look at effective ways to introduce the concept into your organisation, how to create momentum to support adoption and nurture lasting change. We also look at common pitfalls and challenges you’re likely to encounter, and how to handle these.

Organisational Agility

Has your rate of delivery slowed? Are you constantly waiting for other teams to pick up work or provide feedback? Functional silos make it hard for work to flow across the organisation and ultimately make the desired impact in the real world. 


In this workshop we talk about different approaches you can use to reduce handovers, better coordinate work and bring together a diverse number of people, both technical and non-technical, to achieve outcomes faster.


We look at ways to establish cross-functional value stream teams and what you can do to help them succeed. You will learn about practices that foster a continuous improvement mindset and how to embed these teams successfully into your organisation.


We also look at how traditional line management can evolve to coach team members in effective ways of working yet provide functional leadership that allows them to progress their careers. 

Delivery Management  

How do you get from vision to reality? Where do you start and how do you prioritise what work to do? And how do you best implement this work you have prioritised - how do you decide whether to build or to buy?


In this workshop we look at a range of techniques to capture and categorise your demand in a way that allows you to make informed decisions. You will learn about tools such as the Purpose Alignment Model and Wardley Maps and we will discuss how to ensure that all five (yes five) types of demand get a voice.


We look at how to run demand planning exercises that engage stakeholders and foster collaboration across team boundaries. You will learn how to express demand in terms of outcomes and how to avoid the feature factory through “metrics by design” and making data the key driver in future decision making.

Fractional CTO​​

There are many reasons why having a CTO can be incredibly valuable, and in fact critical, if you want to scale your company to the next level. But maybe you're not ready to hire someone full time. Having a fractional CTO is a great way of accessing senior expertise and insight without the cost of a full-time hire:

  • Get strategic input at the right time to make sure you're making good decisions along the way. 

  • Support your engineering team as they get to grips with operating at scale, or hire a high performing team in the first place!

  • Get help in articulating the tech vision to convince investors that you know how to effectively deploy new capital and grow your organisation to the next level.


Are there any other occasions where you would have liked to have a CTO on speed-dial?  Get in touch to discuss further! 




Do you want a sounding board, someone to hold you accountable and help you achieve your goals? As you get more senior it is easy to forget about your own personal development. But especially because you are in a leadership position, all decisions you make and the actions you take (or don’t take!) are amplified. 


Making space to reflect, examine and focus can be incredibly valuable, particularly if you are navigating challenging situations. Working with a coach allows you to continue your own growth and improvement journey and embrace continuous change for yourself, your teams and your organisation.

Future Leaders

Nurture a robust talent pipeline by coaching your ‘up and coming’ leaders to allow them to realise their potential and have maximum impact as they step up. 


Making the step change from individual contributor to team leader, or even leader of multiple teams brings numerous challenges. Business acumen, people management, vision & strategy, stakeholder management - roles evolve dramatically, particularly for those with an engineering background.


Support your next generation of leaders as they rise to this entirely new challenge by providing coaching support along the way. 


Team coaching can be particularly useful when you are trying to embed lasting change - maybe you’re trialling new work practices or have become more explicit about aligning with customer needs or organisational goals.


By facilitating learning for all team members, teams gain insights and practise new behaviours in a safe environment with support and guidance along the way. Individual coaching may be leveraged to improve overall team effectiveness.


For those that would like to proactively manage their career and seek support of an external coach, but are not currently in a position to benefit from a company coaching setup, we can discuss individual coaching packages.


Get in touch to find out more. 

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